
  • Helping the Enviroment Through Upcycling

    Helping the Enviroment Through Upcycling

    A new trend that is taking over the A-list fashion world is upcycled clothing. Every day, more and more luxury brands explore the market of upcycled clothing.  It’s an effort to be eco-friendly and trendy. Not sure what upcycled clothing...

  • Why is Sustainable Fashion Important?

    Why is Sustainable Fashion Important?

    First things first. It is vital to know precisely what sustainable fashion is. Sustainable fashion can best be described as a fashion movement towards better ecological integrity and social justice.  It deals with issues in the environmental, financial, social, and cultural systems that span the globe. 
  • Hipsters Are Thrifters

    Hipsters Are Thrifters

    Styles from the 70's, 80’s, and 90’s are becoming incredibly trendy. Now major retail stores are selling vintage inspired items. Although, the clothing these retail stores are recreating may look very similar to the original vintage pieces, they are not made with the same quality material they were made with 20 or 30 years ago. And most importantly do not hold the authenticity of the originals. There is something really special about wearing clothing from a different era. I think many may feel a special connection to the time when their favorite band was still together 20 years ago or when their favorite artist was still alive. It's not only fashionable but personal to some.